In the Glow: Vigilary

 Vigilary, wool and mixed media, 8.5 x 9 x 16.5 inches, 2024

This sculpture is meant to be both cuddly and menacing; its title suggests the idea of remaining vigilant or defensive. With its inverse ends- a spike and a hollow-- I imagine that this piece would be paired with others of its kind, and yet it stays wary and ready. I think it's an apt embodiment of the way the American culture urges women to make themselves appealing yet warns against the danger that lurks when one is too appealing. I like the idea that this creature-like piece can take care of itself yet also be warm and approachable. The shadow it casts is tinted pink.

I created this sculpture by compressing, tangling, and shaping loose fibers into felt using hand-held felting needles.

This piece was featured in the exhibition ‘In The Glow’ at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, California from September - December 2024.