In the Glow: Cleave
Cleave, wool, 9 x 8 x 6 inches, 2023 (glass dome, 10 x 10 x 10, included)
'Cleave' is a verb that can mean two completely opposite things: to bind together OR to break apart. To me this sculptural form suggests action and motion, but it's unclear whether the two sides are in the act of separating or joining. That state of being in-between or poised for either direction can suggest either a sense of nimble readiness or insecurity. So often context determines which sensation is currently in effect.
I created this sculpture by compressing, tangling, and shaping loose fibers into felt using hand-held felting needles.
This piece was featured in the exhibition ‘In The Glow’ at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, California from September - December 2024.