In The Glow: Illumbria

Illumbria, wool, 9 x 7 x 6 inches, 2023

The ‘In the Glow’ body of work began as an experiment with reflected color; hiding the intense source of a soft pink glow brought to life with light. Illumbria features tunnels lined with fluorescent wool fibers that send their echo to the surface in varied lighting situations. The form represents the ever-transitioning embodiment of the idea of oneself: rigid, sure, firm… yet also mutable and soft at the same time. The life force glow from within pierces most of the surfaces, and there’s a sense of change and potential.

I created this sculpture by compressing, tangling, and shaping loose fibers into felt using hand-held felting needles.

This piece was featured in the exhibition ‘In The Glow’ at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, California from September - December 2024.