Curve Compositions

Curve Compositions are one-of-a-kind fiber art wall sculptures made of hand-stitched industrial felt over stretcher bars, measuring 24x20x5 inches; solid, elegant and sturdy in defiance of their humble materiality; disarmingly simple, as complex forms so often are.

I keep coming back to curves that mimic both landscapes and the topography of the body. By hand-stitching the strategically cut curved pattern pieces I can create swelling, arching, precise shapes that push out into space or recede into the plane of the piece. The unique nature of my material is key: I use industrial felt that is 3/8 of an inch thick, more akin to a slab of rolled out clay than fabric. The regularly irregular mottled grey texture of the mixed fibers both reflects light on some planes and invites dark, rich shadows in others. The sinuous planes present a cohesive form from afar, while close up the stitched suture-like seams suggest some of the thinking and intention behind the finished work. 

For inquiries about available works please email stephanie(at)


Objects of Intrigue Wool Drawings


InTouch Project