The Person Behind the Art: Summer Travel & Inspiration

I’m a professional visual artist trying to get my work seen in the world, but I’m also a private person negotiating the amount of me that I share with that world. My life experiences and unique outlook clearly play into the sculpture I create; sometimes the line between inspiration and output is even clear and direct. I’m not consciously looking for material constantly, but by now I’m well accustomed to ‘paying attention to what I’m paying attention to’- a key feature of being an artist, I think. So I decided I’d share some photos from the summer vacation trip I just returned from with my family, with the idea that it will give a little insight into the things I notice, and why.

My family (myself and my husband Hayden and two sons, ages 15 and 12) embarked on a two-week vacation to visit family, see some sights, and give me the opportunity to see my work in a far-off museum and present a talk there in July. We did some sightseeing in Washington, D.C., spent a week at a gorgeous property on the eastern shore of Virginia with my extended family, toured around Boston, and then headed to Brattleboro, Vermont to see ‘Felt Experience’ at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, where I delivered a presentation about the creation of my touchable felt sculpture. Here are a few highlights and glimpses into my brain.

Museums in the Capitol

First: the spy pigeon. If you know me (or my work) at all, you know I’m intrigued by pigeons, particularly fancy ones. When we toured the International Spy Museum in D.C. this specimen caught my eye and my imagination. The taxidermied pigeon with bulky camera strapped to its chest felt so poignant— I imagined the hope and trials of the humans who developed the technology as well as the care and training of a multitude of precious and yet disposable birds. Did you know pigeons have earned more medals of honor than any other animal? The stuffed creature itself seemed rather ridiculous- but it was early in the museum, in the gadget section that seemed to take a page out of Hollywood. Only later did I reconsider the way I characterized the pigeons more or less as tools— after reading through the stories of everyday people as well as professional spies who gathered and transferred little scraps of information to put together a big picture that might save their loved ones in exchange for their individual human lives.

A taxidermy pigeon with a black camera strapped to its breast at the International Spy Museum.

Besides the spy museum we also spent time at several of the Smithsonians. I was impressed by the National Museum of American History’s display ‘Girlhood (It’s Complicated)’ — it’s about time the often-minimized but common experiences of half of the population gets straightforward treatment in a public museum. I even learned some new euphemisms for periods! But after that refreshing experience I ended up feeling beaten down and depressed by the contrast between current events increasingly limiting individual freedoms versus the glowing displays about great strides made by women and other non-dominant humans over the last 80 years. We Americans are a work in progress.

The Museum of Natural History was an overwhelming treat; one could spend weeks there, if one were not responsible for a 12-year-old whose cup of natural history was full after a scant 2 hours. Regardless, I saw some great specimens just made for replicating in other materials, like this starfish whose actual name I neglected to note:

Close-up view of a dried and wrinkled starfish from the collection at the National Museum of Natural History.

I pride myself on knowing a lot about animals, but I learned something new: that rabbits eat, poop a particular kind of poop, eat that poop to maximize the nutrients they get from it, and then poop it out a final time. Kind of like cows, but without the handy internal system of multiple stomachs. I didn’t take a photo, though. I also learned that my older son is now utterly fascinated with gems and minerals— he took perhaps 75 photos of gorgeous and colorful formations which he showed me while we waited in line to see Yayoi Kusama’s exhibition at the Hirshhorn Museum. Her immersive infinity rooms were almost too easy to love, and I nearly tried to resist the delight they delivered. Then I gave in. The all-encompassing use of mirrors and repeated objects is the kind of thing where it seems so obvious once it exists but, like so much of art, it takes someone to show you something before you can imagine it.

A woman and boy stand inside an infinity room with mirrored walls reflecting them, and a multitude of white and red polka-dotted fabric forms by artist Yayoi Kusama at the Hirshhorn Museum.
A panoramic image of a darkened room lined with reflective mirrors to form an infinity room, with black and multi-colored lit-up paper lanterns creating a rainbow of reflections at a Yayoi Kusama exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum.

I’m not including photos of the major memorials along the National Mall; they were somewhat moving to see in person, but didn’t capture my imagination after such familiarity. Instead, a final stop museum-wise, and one of my all-time favorites: the Renwick Gallery, which features contemporary craft and decorative art. I took a ton of photos, but here are just a few standouts: first, Large Silver Globe by Rick Dillingham— hand built in clay, fired, purposefully broken, glazed, and reassembled. I love the perfect imperfection, and his quote: “no one is a master of ceramic arts, it’s just a matter of how much you can cooperate with the elements at the time.”

A wide, squat, white and silver ceramic vase crisscrossed with cracks, where each section is patterned differently. Titled Large Silver Globe,  by artist Rick Dillingham at the Renwick Gallery.

Next up, a wood piece by Connie Mississippi called ‘Midnight Mountain,’ which somehow included use of a lathe to shape laminated layers of dyed birchwood. The shapes achieved really resonated with me. Here’s an overall and a detail view (it’s about 20 inches across):

A purple flower-like sculpture carved out of layered wood, named Midnight Mountain by artist Connie Mississippi.
detail of A purple flower-like form carved out of layered wood, named Midnight Mountain by artist Connie Mississippi

And this neon piece blinking on and off and filling the room with its pink glow was quite moving as well; it’s by Alicia Eggert:

A neon sculpture consisting of pink illuminated words spelling out "This Moment Used to be the Future" by Alicia Eggert at the Renwick Gallery.
A neon sculpture consisting of pink illuminated words spelling out "This Present Moment Used to be the Unimaginable Future" by Alicia Eggert at the Renwick Gallery.

The ostensible purpose of our visit to D.C. was to expose our boys to the nation’s capitol- since we were going to be so close by anyway. That achievement was unlocked, although it will probably feel more pertinent to them personally as they study different topics at school and take in more of the world.

Family Reconnections/Looking at Things

Our main impetus for traveling to the East Coast was to have an extended visit with H’s extended family; his parents celebrated their 50th anniversary and wanted to get their kids and grandkids together in one place. It was truly a pleasure to interact in person rather than via a grid of faces on a screen interrupting each other. A lush and expansive property on the eastern shore of Virginia near Cape Charles was the site for a week of relaxation, exploration, board games, and reconnecting with cousins.

The Laughing King property in Cape Charles Virginia, A large house with screened in porch and separate tiny house surrounded by green lawn and trees, photographed at dusk.

The Laughing King consists of a huge main house with 5 bedrooms, a separate tiny house, and an airstream trailer right on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay. I can highly recommend it. My family is made up of introverts, extroverts, and everything in between- so staying at the same place allowed us to be together and separate when desired.

Three boys walking out on a dock leading out to an expanse of water, with sandy, grassy shore nearby and paddleboards laying on the beach at Cape Charles, Virginia.

I spent a lot of time looking at things while walking on exposed low-tide sandbars and wading through the shallow, warm bay: conch shells, horseshoe crabs, blue crabs, and even cow-nose rays that would slowly flap through the waters nearby, seemingly curious but shy. I find that looking at interesting things is even more satisfying when you can point them out to other people who are also curious. I sketched some of the more interesting skeletonized shells to take note of their swoops and structure for later. Drawing is always so much more informative for me than photos because I’m forced to look very carefully in order to understand, and the physical act of drawing seems to work information right into my bones.

We ended the week on a screened-in-porch as the warm air whipped around us, watching lighting white out the sky as thunder rumbled and branches flew down from a nearby tree. One bolt zigzagged all the way down to the water where it ended in an orange crackling burst and everyone shouted with mingled glee, awe, and some healthy respect for nature.


Our nuclear family proceeded to Boston for another chance to show the boys some interesting historical places. They were particularly taken by the blend of very old and fairly new architecture. We took a hop on/hop off bus tour to make the most of only one day in the city. My elder son who, let it be noted, likes shiny and sparkly things, took lots of photos of the various gold domes from different vantage points, so I took a series of photos of him taking those photos. I’ll spare you entire collection, as this sums it up:

A boy taking a photograph of the gold dome at the top of the Massachusetts State House in Boston.

My kids are at the age that their senses of humor are pretty sophisticated— there’s lots of banter and wordplay— and so we can all appreciate some ridiculously delightful (and helpful?) use of language. Here’s one that will continue to find its way into conversations for years to come, as seen on the exterior of the elevator in our hotel:

When I’m traveling I often find myself speculatively reframing my life against different backdrops: what would it be like, what would I be like, living in this city, or in this rural area, in this kind of weather, in this kind of energy and population? I remind myself that it’s an incredibly brief snapshot into that mysterious what if, and it never hurts when the atmosphere conspires with temperature, color, and lighting to make you rethink the dry, yellow heat of your home turf. I will say I was overwhelmed by the amount of green the filled my eyes on the east coast, and I wished I could carry that with me back to California. Below is the Longfellow Bridge at sunset.

Sunset photograph of the lit up Longfellow Bridge in Boston showing blue lights decorating the arches under the bridge.

Brattleboro Whirlwind

The final stop on our trip was Brattleboro, Vermont- home to the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, where six of my InTouch Hanging Pods are in residence until October as part of the exhibition ‘Felt Experience.’ Once we knew we’d be traveling to the other side of the country for our family week in Virginia, I raised the question of including a museum visit as well, and thus the Boston stop was added in with a three-hour drive to Vermont for an overnight. Sweetening the deal was the fact that my sister who lives on the East Coast made the drive to join us, so I got to see her, her two young daughters, and my other niece who was visiting them as well. As brief as it was, it was truly a treat.

If you’ve seen me speak (or seen my recorded documentary about the making of InTouch) you’ll know that I’m pretty enthusiastic about what I do, and I enjoy sharing the stories of what goes into making new weird things with strangers helping you. So I was excited to do a presentation at the museum, and curious to have my family members in the audience for the first time. Although they know I wear a ‘professional hat,’ they don’t often see me perform it— and I was particularly gratified when my younger son expressed his legitimate admiration. It’s not something you get from your tween every day. I’m honored that people WANT to hear what I have to say, and so grateful to hear that they’ve been following my work for years and drove quite a distance to see me. It’s moving to find that the things I create can connect me with supportive strangers. It makes the world feel smaller and more friendly.

A room of people sitting in chairs looking at a screen in the front of the room with an image showing a boy and a man working on a white sculpture, while the speaker, artist Stephanie Metz, gestures towards the screen.

The museum itself is housed in what was formerly a train station, and its remarkable architecture works well for presenting artworks. I hoped that my touchable sculpture would be presented in other venues, but I hadn’t imagined such a perfect stage: the raised platform under a skylight used to be the ticketing area, and its window looks out onto New Hampshire across the Connecticut River.

Sculptor Stephanie Metz, a brunette woman in a dress, moves among human-sized cocoon-like hanging white felted wool sculptures.

BMAC does an excellent job at sharing and promoting its exhibitions, including complete installation shots and a virtual tour. And, fellow artists, it is a joy to work with the people there. At every step of the way they have been professional, helpful, prompt, and personable. I’ve been lucky to have had mostly highly positive interactions with exhibition venues over the years, but have recently been commiserating with a friend over her extremely poor treatment by an institution. So I’m taking this opportunity to truly appreciate and call out a great one that treats exhibiting artists well, produces strong exhibitions, and gets audiences in to see them!

‘Felt Experience’ highlights work in wool felt by five of us, and you can see images of the complete exhibition via the links above. But I want to share a few standout pieces. First is the underside of a sprawling organic form by Marjolein Dallinga. The form is huge and complex, then as you move ever closer you notice the tiny details of both her design and her craftsmanship. It may take someone who knows how to wet felt to fully appreciate her mastery, but I think even the uninitiated will be moved. And you should definitely watch her film of her work in natural surroundings and animated.

Next, an overall and then detail shot of Ruth Jeyaveeran’s work— to give you a proper sense of its presence. I’m realizing that the satisfying far away/close up nature of this work too is something that turns out to be a theme in this exhibition. Maybe it’s something about the nature of fiber and its textural qualities…

A large wall display of approximately 40 organically shaped felt sculptures reminiscent of horns, nautilus shells, and sea creatures attached to each other with string by artist Ruth Jeyaveeran.

Next up is one of Melissa Joseph’s painting-like pieces in which she lays out and then wet-felts images based on photographs. The movement, distortions, and blending of colors blurs the design, leaving a dreamlike impression not unlike childhood memories. Here’s a link to an interview she did with BMAC about her large-scale pieces based on views out an airplane window.

Finally, I’m delighted by Liam Lee’s needle-felted work, particularly (as a sculptor) his robust, curvy, organic, swelling chair pieces, intensely colored and extraordinarily crafted.

Two colorful felted wool chair-like sculptures by artist Liam Lee in front of his textile wall art in deep red, orange, and grey.

The Vermont stop was the final stage in my summer travel adventure; the next day we flew home with very few hiccups, reunited with our dog, and took a few days to get back into ‘normal’ life. Writing about and reviewing the trip in this medium highlights for me some of the best parts in terms of artmaking. I’m playing catch up with some of the administrative part of being away for two weeks, but part of my re-entry into regular life was to thoroughly clean my studio. After being in ‘observe and think’ mode for a while, I’m ready for ‘experiment and make’ time. Here’s a final photo to encapsulate the trip: a Hanging Pod hug.

A large white felted wool cocoon-like sculpture by Stephanie Metz is hugged by a small girl, but only her hands and feet show from behind the touchable sculpture.

Objects of Intrigue: Starting A New Group of Wool Drawings


Sculptural Needle Felting Kits: Materials, tools, and color to get you started