Installation... transporting, placing, and hanging touchable sculptures at the museum

I’ve been installing the work with the fantastic team at the de Saisset Museum. It’s hard to believe the show is nearly up and ready after all this time and work. I have been so pleased that the installation has gone really smoothly. Hanging, placing, and lighting over 70 pieces of art seems like a daunting task, but most of the preparation was done beforehand and not much was left to figure out onsite.

It all started with bagging up and labeling all the work that has been filling my studio and then Tetris-ing up a truck for the short drive to Santa Clara University, just down The Alameda/El Camino from my studio. Three of us were able to get it all packed in about forty minutes, then we had even more helpers at the museum to unload. The trickiest parts of the installation had to do with the ‘support’ items: the steel hanging structure in Gallery 2 for the Hanging Pods and the plexiglass mirrors mounted in Gallery 1 for the Holdables. Luckily that went well too: Chuck Splady and his team from Splady Studios in Oakland fabricated, delivered, and installed the steel structures without a hitch. Chris Sicat, the museum’s Exhibitions Coordinator, has the experience, specialized tools, patience, and cool head to handle just about anything, and he got the big plexiglass mirrors mounted on the wall with help from his team. We all got to unwrap the sculptures onsite, which felt a little like Christmas even though I happened to already know what was inside. It felt great to see them in the big, beautiful galleries. More photos of the finished installation next week, unless you’re able to come by and see/photograph it for yourself starting with this Thursday’s Opening Reception!


Finally OUT of the Studio: InTouch fiber sculpture is being touched by museum visitors!


Photo time! Documenting artwork for marketing before the show is exhibited