In Touch With Art Day: How Artists Use Science and Math
I was invited to speak to families about my work through the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s ‘Families Learning Together’ event on April 8. I presented my work and talked about the ways I use science and math in my artmaking. With my human-sized InTouch pieces I’ve been doing a lot of patterning to figure out the ‘skins’ that I could stitch together out of thick industrial felt to make three-dimensional forms. For the span of ages in the audience— small children, middle schoolers, and adults— I compared the surface shapes used to make three familiar forms: soccer balls, tennis balls, and beach balls. While all three are spheres, the patterns used to make those spheres differ widely. I also got to observe people intereacting with the large Hanging Pod and Holdable forms— which they did, with excitement and enthusiasm.
Me with event organizer Jaime Koo. And some sculpture.