In Touch With Art Day: How Artists Use Science and Math

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I was invited to speak to families about my work through the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s ‘Families Learning Together’ event on April 8. I presented my work and talked about the ways I use science and math in my artmaking. With my human-sized InTouch pieces I’ve been doing a lot of patterning to figure out the ‘skins’ that I could stitch together out of thick industrial felt to make three-dimensional forms. For the span of ages in the audience— small children, middle schoolers, and adults— I compared the surface shapes used to make three familiar forms: soccer balls, tennis balls, and beach balls. While all three are spheres, the patterns used to make those spheres differ widely. I also got to observe people intereacting with the large Hanging Pod and Holdable forms— which they did, with excitement and enthusiasm.

Me with event organizer Jaime Koo. And some sculpture.

Me with event organizer Jaime Koo. And some sculpture.


'Cat in the Sun' Wool Drawing: a video showing how I complete a drawing made by poking wool through paper


Progress Photos! Documenting the latest wool sculpture, touchable art, and catalog