Foam: It's Complicated- using styrofoam in sculpture with a conscience

I've completed another video about my process, this time focused on carving Styrofoam: how I do it, and how I deal with the mess. I have to admit I cringe a bit to even be using the stuff-- it's so fakey and bad for the environment and, well, seems so cheapo and lame to use for 'real' sculpture, and as someone who works with fiber I already have an uphill battle on legitimacy of materials in some circles. But, like wool itself, Styrofoam, or 'expanded polystyrene' to use the general and descriptive term, has qualities that just work perfectly for my aims. It is easy and quick to carve, can accept needles poking into it without breaking them, and is extremely lightweight while being somewhat rigid. I make myself feel better about the environmental impact by only using previously used foam, and I keep and use the chunks and bits I carve and sand off to fill other pieces. 

So, hierarchy of noble materials be damned! Use what works for getting your sculpture made. Here's a link to the carving foam video.

A carved model, ready for sanding.

A carved model, ready for sanding.


Open to the Public: Open Studio events and felting parties


Giving It Away: why I share my process and techniques